Al-Salam Institute Islamic Scholarship Program 2017-2018


About The Event

The Al-Salam Institute Islamic Scholarship Program (ISP) is at the forefront of Alimiyyah Programs in the West. Al-Salam Institute presents its pioneering six-year Islamic Scholarship Program.

Through part-time study and a dynamic selections of modules, the ASI Islamic Scholarship Program (ISP) provides a unique opportunity for university students and full-time professionals to study Arabic and the Islamic sciences up to an advanced level. The syllabus is primarily authorized by one of the leading scholars and Islamic thinkers of our time, Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi, and has been designed to train students to become proficient in and acquainted with the Islamic intellectual heritage.

Islamic Scholarship Program Introduction [PDF]

The course seeks to enrich the students’ understanding of the different scholarly opinions students and promotes critical thinking. Core lectures take place on just one-day a week and will foster a profound understanding of the prophetic Sira and Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh, History, Theology, and the principles of jurisprudence underpinning these disciplines.

Students will graduate from the ISP with an incisive understanding of the Arabic language and Islamic sciences as an ‘Alim or ‘Alimah in full. Our pioneering curriculum has already produced graduates of the highest calibre who are marked by their sound knowledge of the authentic sources, contributions to the wider society, and embodiment of the prophetic example.

Short Courses

  • Arabic Language
  • Hadith Studies
  • History
  • Theology
  • Islamic Law
  • Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
  • Principles of Prophetic Traditions
  • Principles of Quranic Exegesis
  • Quranic Studies

More information at: The Al-Salam Institute’s Website

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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