University Lecturer in Islamic Theology


About The Event

Call for Applications

University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Application Deadline: November 12, 2017

The Faculty of Theology at the University of Helsinki invites applications for a permanent position of Uni­versity Lec­turer in Is­lamic Theo­logy in the Study of Religions to begin on 1 August 2018.

The university lecturer will provide teaching and supervision at all levels of study with a special focus on Islamic theology. The applicant should have expertise in two or preferably in several of the following topics:

  • Qur’anic studies and interpretative traditions;
  • Islamic hermeneutics;
  • Islamic thought and culture;
  • Islam in Europe;
  • Islam in everyday life;
  • Islam and gender.

The university lecturer is also expected to carry out independent academic research, supervise and examine theses and dissertations, and attend to administrative and other duties jointly agreed upon. The position to be filled focuses on teaching, mainly at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. Thus it requires active engagement in the development of teaching.

The study of religions is a joint discipline of the Faculty of Theology and the Department of World Cultures of the Faculty of Arts. It has two professors and three university lecturers. Further information about the discipline is available at

The salary will be based on levels 5–7 of the requirement scheme for teaching and research positions in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee will receive a salary component based on personal work performance. The initial monthly salary will be in the range of €3.100 – €4.200 (annual €38.750 – €52.500), depending on the appointee’s qualifications. In addition, occupational health care will be provided. The appointment starts with a trial period of four months.

Applications should include the following enclosures in a single PDF file:

– A development plan

– An academic portfolio based on the University’s instructions:…

– A complete list of publications

Please, submit your application together with a single PDF attachment file on November 12, 2017 at the latest through the University of Helsinki electronic recruitment system by clicking on this link.

More information at: University of Helsinki

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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University of Helsinki

University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

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