1st Annual Conference on Muslim Minorities and Human Rights


About The Event

“Islam, Muslims in Britain: Radicalisation, Deradicalisation, Islamophobia and Human rights”

Call for Papers

Date: September 5, 2019

Organizer: Centre for Arab Progress, London

Abstract Submission Deadline: July 6, 2019

The conference aims to become an important academic and research platform in the UK on Islam and Muslim minorities and related matters. In addition, the papers that are accepted and presented in the conference will be published as hard copy and in electronic format.

This conference is one of the Centre for Arab Progress’s initiatives that aims to encourage academic and quality research on Muslim minorities’ issues in Britain.

The main theme of the conference is Islam, Muslims in Britain: radicalisation, deradicalisation, islamophobia and human rights.

The sub themes includes but not limited to the following:

• Muslim migration to Britain, historical, sociological, political, educational, and the influence of the homeland!
• Muslims in Britain, the question of identity between the Islamic and British values
• Muslim minorities, the question of integration, assimilation, ghettoes, and the issues of social cohesion
• Islamophobia, manufactured or a reflection of reality
 Islamophobia and its relation with the new wave of radical nationalism, identity crisis, and the economic distress in Britain.
 Islamic radicalization, is it inherent or a deviation? How we can differentiate, and who is responsible?

The researcher should be a researcher, preferably a PhD holder or a PhD researcher with experience and competence in the field and shall first submit an abstract of (500) word of the proposed paper. A copy of his/her resume including a list of publications, before 6th July 2019.

Conference Website: http://mmhrc.co.uk/

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

This event has expired


Centre for Arab Progress

Centre for Arab Progress, London, UK
Website http://mmhrc.co.uk/

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