Images and Borderlands: Mediterranean basin between Christendom and Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern Age

Images and Borderlands: Mediterranean basin between Christendom and Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern Age

About The Event

Date: September 16-17, 2020

Venue: Split City Museum, Split, Croatia

Scientific Coordinators: Ivana Čapeta Rakić (,  Ivana Čapeta Rakić (

Scope: Following in the footsteps of Fernand Braudel, an increasing number of recent studies show that the Mediterranean basin might be considered as a “borderland” (Darling 2012), “borderscape” (Brambilla 2016) or “Frontier” (Castelnuovo 2000) suggesting that this area is not strictly a border between Christian and Muslim civilization, but a basin in which the two traditions and cultures meet and overlap, with an extraordinary variety of reactions to the hegemonic practices (acceptance, conflict, refusal, dissent).

The aim of this conference is to bring together scholars who will discuss, from different perspectives and with a multidisciplinary approach, the variety of themes (topics) which revolve around the common issue of reflecting the problem of borderlands as a consequence of the encounter between Christendom and Ottoman Empire in the Early modern Mediterranean. The starting point of examination will be images, i.e. the usage of images (pictures, mental images, literaly images and other visual representations…) as historical evidences (Burke 2008).

Source: IS-LE

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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Split City Museum, Split, Croatia

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