Muslims in Britain Research Network (MBRN)


Muslims in Britain Research Network (MBRN)

Promoting the multidisciplinary study of Muslims in Britain among academics, researchers, and professionals

The Muslims in Britain Research Network (MBRN) was established by a group of academics in 1992 to encourage and promote the scholarly study of Muslims and Islam in Britain. Its main aims are to promote and share academic research in the field of British Muslim Studies and to build connections between academics, students, professionals, researchers, journalists and community members from all backgrounds with an interest in this subject.

MBRN typically holds two one-day conferences per year, along with occasional events for specialist groups such as early career academics in the field. Please follow our Events page for details and updates.

Research Spotlight

• Project: ‘Mapping Social Action by British Muslims’

There has been a recent turn from British Muslim charities and organizations to support local and national causes in the United Kingdom. In the last year alone, MCF recorded over three hundred Muslim-led organizations responding to the coronavirus crisis on both a local and nation-wide scale.

Moreover, the latest research conducted by MCF in early 2021 suggests that there has been a shift in Muslim public opinion towards contributing Zakat (obligatory alms) equally between the UK and overseas causes. No-one yet has attempted to map this vital sector within the UK thus there is no accurate portrayal of the British Muslim charity sector and the impact it is having on UK civil society.


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