God, Religion & Politics in the Modern World


About The Event

A study of contemporary theological and political issues and controversies.

A single-weekend seminar

Lecturer: Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Date: September 23, 2016

Venue: Seattle, WA, US

Western Muslims live in a ‘liberal’, ‘secular’, ‘humanistic’ society. Modern trends such as feminism, and calls to respect sexually alternative lifestyles, are now the norm. Can Islam change to adapt to some of these new trends? Or must we oppose any and all change?

Where is the line where the religion has been watered down too much and we start to lose our faith as a result? Or indeed how do we define the parameters of pragmatism and a more civil and diplomatic approach when it seems to go against primary principles of the Deen?

What exactly does it mean to be a Western (American/Canadian/British) Muslim? Isn’t Islam just one religion? So what is all this talk of a national identity for Muslims?

And let us be frank here: some of our countries have foreign policies that are highly problematic and unethical. Does that compromise our own faith? Can we be loyal Americans/British/Canadians AND Muslim at the same time?

This is not random marketing talk but rather a sample of actual real questions that we receive from many Muslims who are struggling, and the numbers are far more than we imagined. People feel embarrassed to ask formally about doubts which touch the core of their personal faith and belief in Allah.

Finally, with not only AlMaghrib Institute’s very newest class, but what also promises to be one of its flagship classes, we are delighted to at last bring to the table something to change the game – “No Doubt: God, Religion and Politics in the Modern World”.

Join probably the most qualified and well-positioned scholars to deal with this subject –Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi – in this single-weekend seminar which will delve into the crux of our identity and all those factors that confuse it. Using his immense experience and unique background of marrying academia and theology, both the old and the new, he will bring understanding and confidence whilst being faithful to the tradition.

It’s all fun and interesting to study classical theology, but at the end of the day those historical controversies are not the questions that are being discussed on campuses and social gatherings today. This class aims to tackle some of the most difficult and controversial topics head on, whether the rise of militant atheism, or the evolution issue, the existence of evil, political allegiances, rebellion against dictators, secular feminism, the conflict between citizenship and the support for armed forces pressing forwards with their own agenda regardless, and just so much more.

Source: www.almaghrib.org

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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AlMaghrib Institute

AlMaghrib Institute, Seattle, WA, US
Website http://almaghrib.org/seminars/islamic-theology/no-doubt

Our Speakers

Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi
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